Communication is crucial to the success of your Salary Finance launch and to improving your people’s financial wellbeing. We also know that communicating effectively is one of the biggest challenges organisations face, so it’s an area we have heavily invested in. Our approach is to collaborate with you and your communications team so we can build bespoke assets and strategies to suit your employees’ needs and address your unique comms opportunities and challenges.

The Salary Finance Employee Communications Team

To make sure we can engage as many people as possible with your financial wellbeing programme we have an in-house team of experts that will create a bespoke communications strategy for your business. 

As we are a regulated business, we need to make sure that the launch communications about Salary Finance are compliant. This is why our team will create all of the collateral, which will also help minimise the work your teams need to do. The cost of all launch communications will also be covered by Salary Finance.

How does it work?

We will schedule a communications workshop where we discuss content, positioning and channels. Following that you’ll be provided with content for every channel you could want to ensure a successful launch - from emails, newsletters, intranets and benefit platforms, to letters sent to employees’ homes and physical collateral such as posters, flyers and pull up banners.

What’s next?

The first step is for you to download our Communications Questionnaire and fill it out. The purpose of this document is to gather all the information our Employee Communications Team needs to better understand your objectives, workforce and communications set-up.

You can download your communications questionnaire here:

Download our simple comms questionnaire

Once you have completed the Communications Questionnaire, please submit it to us using the form below.

When do I get the communications material?

Once your Salary Finance services agreement is signed along with infosec sign off and your comms questionnaire has been returned to us, we will then be in touch to schedule a comms workshop. It’s crucial that you bring along a representative from your internal comms team to the session. 

Once we’ve had the comms workshop, your comms plan and compliance-approved launch materials will be shared with you ready to go live.

Submit your completed Communications Questionnaire


Q: Are you sure I can communicate about lending to my employees without credit broking and breaking FCA rules?

A: Yes, 100%. At Salary Finance we take regulatory requirements very seriously. One thing we keep a particularly close eye on is ensuring that you, our client, do not undertake any activities that could expose you to any regulatory risk. Salary Finance’s products are included within financial promotion (‘FinProm’) regulation. This means there are rules around how we communicate the product to employees. To ensure that FinProm regulation is adhered to (and there is no risk of credit broking) we provide all of the content that is meticulously signed off by our compliance team.

Q: Can I write my own comms?

A: Unfortunately no. As we're a regulated provider we need to ensure that all communications you send out to employees (anything that mentions Salary Finance and what we do) are compliant financial promotions. By allowing us to take the lead in drafting the comms, we’re protecting both businesses from any issues with the FCA and we take the responsibility in ensuring that these are compliant. We will work as closely as possible with your internal comms team to ensure the messaging and strategy is suitable for your workforce.

Q: Do I have to have a comms workshop?

A: If you don’t want to have a call with our comms team, then you can certainly choose not to. However, with our 5+ years of experience launching financial wellbeing strategies to a range of organisations and industries, we believe it’s a good use of time. The session can help us to collaborate on a bespoke solution for your workforce to really ensure we’re maximising the launch, ensuring everyone hears about the work you are doing in financial wellbeing, and gives us the best opportunity to help as many people as possible.

Q: Can I combine the Salary Finance launch with another employee benefit launch?

A:If you really need to do this, you can. However we’d strongly recommend ensuring that financial wellbeing has its own moment in the spotlight. It’s a hugely important topic, and one that many people still don’t understand fully and struggle with. We believe the launch is your best chance to make a big bang, and communicating about each employee benefit you have individually gives you the best chance of a successful programme being rolled out and embraced for the long-term. 

Q: Can I combine the Salary Finance launch with my benefit window communications?

A: As Salary Finance is available all year round and isn’t attached to specific benefit window timings, we strongly recommend keeping the Salary Finance launch separate. This is to ensure your colleagues have the opportunity to digest who Salary Finance is and how the products work and to avoid any confusion that our services are only available at certain times of the year. As mentioned above, many people aren’t familiar with financial wellbeing and communicating about it as a stand-alone campaign usually guarantees higher engagement and a more meaningful impact across your business.