There are some times in life when it pays to make sure your credit score is in good shape. If you're not the kind of person who checks their score regularly, these are some examples of times when you'll want to check in. Unsure how to check your credit reports and scores? Start here.
When you're planning a big purchase
If you're looking for some help towards a financial goal, like major home improvements, a new car, or a wedding, then chances are you might need to secure some additional credit - through a loan or new line of credit, for example.
Lenders will look at your credit report to decide whether or not to lend to you, and at what rate - so before you make an application, make sure you're happy your credit score is the best it can be.
When you're buying a house
Getting a mortgage with a low score is hard work. If you're looking for a mortgage with a good interest rate then you'll need to make sure your credit score is in good shape. If your score is low, then it's worth making some improvements before you even start your property search.
If you want to increase an existing credit limit
Sometimes we go through periods in life when we need a little extra breathing room. If you want to increase your limit, then it's likely the bank will take a look at your credit score. To increase your chances of being accepted, look at ways to improve your score.
If you want to work in the financial services sector
There are some professions where employers will look for a healthy credit score as a sign of a responsible individual. If you're looking into a career in financial services, for example, then you'll want a strong score for the best chance of landing the job.